In-Lab Sleep Studies
What is a Sleep Study?
A sleep study, or polysomnography, is a non-invasive overnight exam that allows your doctors to monitor while you sleep. A sleep study is used to diagnose various sleep disorders, most commonly obstructive sleep apnea.
Scheduling Your Sleep Study
Once we received the paper work from your ordering provider, we will reach out to you to verify insurance needs and then get you scheduled.
Your In-Lab Sleep Study will be scheduled and prior authorization will be submitted to your insurance, if required. Please review the following packet information as instructed by the Sleep Lab scheduler.
Repeat Sleep Study Questionnaire
The packet provides information in regards to what you will expect the night of the study, billing information, who to contact if questions or concerns, and frequently asked questions.
The packet also includes a 7 day sleep diary for a patient who has never had a sleep study at Mary Lanning or a Repeat Sleep Study Questionnaire for an individual who has had an in-lab study before at our facility.
- Please download and complete the appropriate form(s) as instructed by the Sleep Lab scheduler (you may type directly into the PDF).
- Once complete, save the form(s) on your computer and email them back to us as an attachment.
- Please arrive at the designated location and time provided to you by the Sleep Lab during your scheduling call.
- A respiratory or sinus infection may interfere with our ability to obtain true results. Please let us know before you come in for your study if not feeling well and we will reschedule your study once the infection has cleared.
- Your results of your test will be shared with your ordering provider. Please give your provider up to two weeks to get back to you. If you have not heard from your provider after two weeks, please reach out to them.
Contact Information
If questions in regards to appointment, billing or results, call:
If an emergency call 911.