Central Nebraska Anesthesia has provided anesthesia services for Mary Lanning Healthcare for 31 years and has maintained an exemplary record of safety and availability throughout.
We offer the following anesthesia services:
- General, spinal and epidural anesthesia
- Postoperative pain control blocks following surgery
- Labor and delivery pain management (epidurals and spinals)
- Trauma stabilization
- Advanced airway placement
- Peripherally inserted central catheters for long term medication infusion
We also offer these pain management services:
- Epidural and local blocks for back, leg, neck, arm and other pain
- Epidurals with fluoroscopic guidance
- Treatment of reflex sympathetic dystrophy
- Acupuncture
Before your surgery
Our patients and their safety is the focus of Mary Lanning Healthcare and Central Nebraska Anesthesia. Please assist us in providing the best care possible by providing the hospital with information about yourself before your procedure. A preadmission nurse will call you to discuss your medical history. You will be asked to:
- Bring your preoperative history and physical examination from your physician and any associated laboratory work, electrocardiogram, and chest x-rays;
- Provide an up-to-date list of medications and drug allergies and if you have received a cardiac, pulmonary, or other specialty work-up;
- Share information about blood thinners, and you may be requested to temporarily stop taking selected medications or to be sure to take certain others, such as blood pressure medications and gastric reflux medications;
- Not eat or drink anything for eight hours before most procedures, although you can have clear liquids up until two hours before surgery.
Please know that it takes a great deal of coordinated effort is needed before a surgery can happen. We appreciate your help and will try to answer your questions. We also hope you have an easy and comfortable experience at our hospital.
Pre-admission testing nurse:
(402) 460-5753
Anesthesia office:
(402) 463-9841