Since its inception in 1953, Mary Lanning Healthcare Auxiliary/Volunteer Services has had the privilege of placing and working with countless volunteers. Volunteers play a vital role in customer care at Mary Lanning Healthcare. We strive to place volunteers where their talents are best used and interests are met. The Auxiliary provides volunteers to several areas and departments throughout Mary Lanning Healthcare. A few of those areas include entrance ambassador, gift shop, Garden View Grill attendants, office assistants, rehab assistants, and PAC2 Daycare. Volunteer opportunities are scheduled Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Mission and Vision
The mission of Mary Lanning Healthcare Volunteer Services is to advance the tradition of service and community involvement through our dedication to engagement and excellence. Mary Lanning Healthcare’s Auxiliary is committed to the support of volunteer services with education and recognition.
All volunteers are required to complete background checks, adhere to the Mary Lanning code of conduct, and attend an orientation session as well training in the service area. We ask that volunteers commit to at least 100 hours. Hours are recorded by the volunteer at the end of the service.
It is a well-known fact that those who volunteer are happier, feel more connected, healthier and more active. These are just a few of the benefits of volunteering for Mary Lanning Healthcare. Others include discounts in the gift shop, cafeteria/grill, health club and health fair. You will also be offered a free flu shot annually. Your time and talents can help others and enhance your life as well.
Junior Volunteers
Thank you for your interest in our Jr. Volunteer program at Mary Lanning Healthcare.
We are currently accepting junior volunteers, ages 16-18 and college students. Hours are afternoons from 3:30-7:00 p.m. on both weekdays and weekends.
Contact The Auxiliary
To learn more about volunteering at Mary Lanning Healthcare, contact:
Auxillary Manager
Junior Volunteer Coordinator
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Download the Volunteer Assessment, fill it out, save it, and email it back as an attachment to .
The Caring Kind Gift Shop
Mary Lanning Healthcare Auxiliary operates The Caring Kind Gift Shop. It is the auxiliary’s primary fund-raiser. In the gift shop you will find many items appropriate for patients recovering in the hospital as well as home décor, women’s and children’s apparel and accessories, and seasonal items. All proceeds from sales are donated back to Mary Lanning to help fund projects selected by the auxiliary board. The gift shop is located in the east visitors entrance. Hours are Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; closed on Sunday. Contact Information is 402-461-5195.