Our Comprehensive Pulmonary Services Include:
- Outpatient consultation and follow-up care for a variety of pulmonary diseases:
- Asthma
- Sarcoidosis
- Pneumonia
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Lung Cancer
- Outpatient pulmonary function testing
- Outpatient diagnostic and therapeutic procedures like:
- Bronchoscopy
- Thorocentesis
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation referral
- Occupational and disability evaluations
- Second Opinions
Our Comprehensive Sleep Services include:
- Outpatient consultation and follow-up care for sleep disorders:
- obstructive sleep apnea
- narcolepsy
- insomnia
- restless leg syndrome
- periodic limb movement, etc.
- Overnight sleep studies (Polysomnographic Study) through Mary Lanning Sleep Lab
- Daytime sleep studies (for shift workers)
- Assessment of daytime sleepiness through Mean Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) through the Mary Lanning Sleep Lab
- Referral to DME to assist with set up of Positive Pressure Therapy (CPAP and BIPAP)
- Occupation-specific sleep evaluations (FAA, DOT)
Our Critical Services
Critical Care Medicine is the branch of medicine that specializes in the care of patients whose condition is life-threatening and who require comprehensive care and constant monitoring, usually in a critical or intensive care unit.
Communication between health care providers and family members is an important part of Critical Care Medicine. Our physicians work closely with your private physician, medical/ surgical specialists, as well as ancillary professionals to coordinate the care provided to the critically ill patient.
Our physicians meet regularly with the patient and family to provide information regarding the patient's diagnosis, condition, treatment plan, and prognosis. They work with the patient and their family to ensure the treatment plan is consistent with the patient's previously stated or written wishes.