This procedure is done to restore a normal heart rhythm for people who have certain types of abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias). Cardioversion is most often done by sending an electric shock(s) to your heart through a pad placed on your chest and another on your left side or back.
What to Expect:
A nurse from Cardiac Diagnostics will contact you the day before your test and give you instructions. You will check in through the North Admission Entrance 1½ hours before your test is scheduled to begin.
After arriving to the hospital for your test, you will be asked to remove clothing from the waist up and will be given a gown to wear. An IV (intravenous) will be started for medication administration/sedation. If you wear dentures or glasses you will need to remove them before the test starts. Anesthesia will be present to administer sedation for the procedure. Patients do not remember this procedure at all. You will also receive oxygen through a tube under your nose. Your heart rate/rhythm, blood pressure, respirations, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels will be monitored throughout the procedure. The procedure itself only takes a few minutes to complete but we will recover you for approximately 30 minutes until you are awake enough to be discharged.
- Scheduled medications may be taken with just enough water to get them down comfortably. Medications to avoid taking are diuretics (water pills). If our staff is able to reach you before your exam, we will review with you what medications should and should not be taken.
- Bring a complete list of your medications along with any allergies you have to medications or latex products.
- Make arrangements for someone to drive you home after the test as you may be drowsy from the sedation used. WE CAN NOT ALLOW YOU TO DRIVE YOURSELF HOME.
- Allow 2-3 hours for your time at the hospital.
- Every effort will be made by our staff to contact you prior to test day for explanation of the test and to obtain medical history.
If we are unable to contact you and you have questions, please call us at 402- 461-5124 to speak to a Cardiac Diagnostics RN. Our hours are 6:30am-5:00pm Monday through Friday.
Post Test:
- Discharge instructions will be reviewed.
- Follow up appointments will be made if indicated.
- You will not be allowed to drive yourself home.
- If you use a CPAP machine you should wear it at home after the procedure if you are sleepy and want to nap.
- You should not sign any legal documents for 24 hours after your test.
- Limit your activity the day of the procedure.
The Cardiologist will notify your primary care physician regarding your results.
Thank you for choosing Mary Lanning Healthcare for your medical needs. We appreciate your loyalty and confidence in our services. If you have any questions, please contact your physician or a Cardiac Diagnostics RN at 402-461-5124.